As you prepare for your camping trip, consider the possibility that it might rain at some point. Look at top tents for families camping. The rain should not leave you frustrated and miserable.

Instead, it should present you with an opportunity to create a memorable experience and interesting stories. However, this can only happen if you prepare well for your trip by planning properly on protecting yours tend from the water.

Get the right tent and right camping equipment

The seams of the tent should be sewn properly to prevent water from seeping in through the cracks and if possible, carry along seam sealant to quickly fix any seams that seem to be coming apart.

The flysheet should be big enough to overhang sufficiently thus prevent upward splashing of water or mud. A tent footprint can prevent the bottom of the tent from wet ground thus keeping the inside dry and warm.

Avoiding water in your tent


Where you pitch, your tent is another important consideration while protecting your tent from water. Never pitch on slopes, soft earth, angles or indentations as such places are prone to water. Further, look out for places which seem prone to flooding such as places with debris, washouts, areas with stagnant water or narrowly enclosed areas and avoid them.

The best place to pitch the tent is the highest ground on the campsite or a slight slope that allows water to flow away from you. Never choose a wrong location and dig trenches to divert water. Other than being annoying to other campers, this habit can work against you if someone else diverts the water towards your direction.

Set up the tent properly

The tarp is another important item required for keeping water off your tent. Set up your tarp and rope using poles or tie it to trees. Be sure to form some slope to allow water to flow freely and not form a pool on your tent. In case you set up the tent while it is raining, put a tarpaulin and groundsheet to ensure water doesn’t get in as you set up the tent.

Ensure that you fold the sides of the groundsheet to keep running water off the tent. The tarpaulin sheet can also be used as an additional cover to the tent. This is done by tying the tarpaulin to trees, poles or any other high object. This creates a roof over the tent so that rain water does not pound directly on the tent.


Rain is not the only source of water that you should worry about. If there no enough ventilation, the process of condensation will occur thus getting the inside of your tent wet.

Also, ensure the floor of the tent is made of waterproof nylon material since ground water is another issue to worry about. Thus, you have no reason to avoid camping during the rainy season. Protecting your tent from water will make your trip comfortable fun and memorable.…

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